Tools for Teachers video/dvd
to provide a beneficial overview, Tools for Teachers
is ideal for in-service programs, parent education, teacher familiarization,
and group discussion. Aimed at the adult audience, in less than
20 minutes, it explains:
- Why - students rock in their chairs
- Why - students strike back at a brief touch
- Why - some students find the smallest sound distracting

- Why - a student may have so much difficulty with penmanship
- Why - a student may have so much difficulty coordinating hand
- Why - some students have so much trouble fitting in
- Why - some students seem to have spells of "challenging
- Why - many students are under-achievers
- Why - some students perpetually lose things, even the pencil
- Why - untreated sensory integration deficits can bring all kinds
of problems in the classroom, and at the homework desk.
Plus it illustrates solutions:
- How - simple fun exercises can strengthen the muscles needed for good hand
- How - activities must be part of the educational process
- How - inclusion can be successful
- How - to integrate the sensory needs of students with classroom order
- How - to provide for the special needs of some students
- How - to understand professional evaluations of special needs students
- How - some traditions are destroying your effectiveness with some students
- How - fine-motor control depends on a solid personal physical base
- How - today's most recent brain research can often explain problems
- How - a peaceful, organized, effective classroom is more than what might first
meet the eye
- How - OT techniques can help build successful education.
As you watch Tools for Teachers over and over again, you will
enjoy adding to your collection of activities that really work! Some adults also
identify previously long unknown factors in their own lives.
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Tools for Students video/dvd
for Students gives a series of 26 fun, occupational therapy
sensory processing activities designed to:
- Strengthen the muscles necessary for normal activities
- Provide the stimulation necessary to enhance alertness and concentration
- Develop the base for better hand-work and coordination
- Designed to increase understanding about resistance to touch

- Build and re-enforce self-confidence
- Zap feelings of failure
- Reduce sensitivity and the hit back defensive reactions
- Increase the ability to use good posture
- Help social skills and fitting in
- Increase coordination
Tools for Students is designed as an in-home, in-workshop,
and in-class exercise leader, with the students. Parents, teachers, workshop leaders,
and administrators should view the introductory materials on Tools for Teachers
first. Then proceed to use the exercises on this video/dvd in workshops and in
class, or at home.
Tools for Students begins with a brief (five-minute) introduction;
including teachers participating in the SI Tool Kit workshops
and some recaps the first Tools for Teachers video/dvd. Next
a two-minute segment begins with Diana Henry speaking to students. She reveals
what brains and bodies are all about, with descriptive visuals and humor. This
sets the stage for helping students connect the two, in the 26 exercises that
follow. The exercise segments are split for ease in positioning in-group use:
- 4 MOVEMENT tools (3-minutes) are to be used as quick "get going,"
and/or calm-down activities.
- 5 MUSCLE tools (4-minutes) are used to develop upper body control for sitting
and writing.
- 3 POSITION tools (2-minutes) teach how to measure and check for proper seating
and alternative working positions.
- 3 WRITING/CUTTING tools (3-minutes) include in-hand manipulation
activities Hand Games, warm ups prior to writing Spider
Push Ups and a description of the appropriate way to hold
a pencil. A suggestion is provided to help a student easily pick
up a pencil.
- 2 MOUTH tools (2-minutes) include "Gum Rules." These encourage teachers
to make the shift from seeing gum at school as "taboo" to being a safe,
effective focusing tool for certain students who need oral motor input.
- 4 BODY tools (3-minutes) alert teachers and parents to individual sensory
preferences. They are specifically related to the hands, eyes, ears, and nose.
Emphasis is placed on how these can assist with attention or result in sensory
overload and disorganization.
tools (2-minutes) include the "Body Stretch,"
and the "Hot Dog" as well as "Floppy on the Ball".
These can be done at school or at home.
- 2 SURVIVAL tools (2-minutes) "School Recess" and "Home Play"
highlight the importance of providing a sensory diet throughout the day in school
and at home for optimal attention. Teachers and parents are requested to avoid
taking these away as punishment. Rough and tumble play is emphasized for its importance
on attention, motor development, socialization and learning.
The video/dvd conclude with emphasis on
"team collaboration"
between the student, teacher and parent.
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Henry OT Services, Inc
4000 Pipit Place, Flagstaff, AZ 86004